Victory Garden Kits

Take some of the stress and hassle out of planning a garden with our easy start growing kits!

The idea of the Victory Garden began during WWII as a response to wartime food rationing and farm labor shortages. The idea that anyone could grow their own food, no matter where they lived, popularized the backyard and community gardens in cities and towns across the country. Growing your own food, for a time, was no longer solely the domain of rural America. When the war ended the movement faded with it. In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in the home garden and with current stay at home orders in effect across the country the need for a movement such as the WWII Victory Gardens has arisen again.

Our growing kits aim to make gardening easily accessible and achievable for anyone from beginners to seasoned growers. When I lived in an apartment in town I was always frustrated with having to spend $3-$5 on a packet of seeds when I only had room for a plant or two. I spent years researching and learning through trial and error how not to kill the plants in my tiny apartment gardens. I hope that our kits will help save you from some of that frustration. With carefully curated garden kits and lots of helpful growing tips you can grow the size and type of garden that’s perfect for you!

Each kit comes with:

  • A combination of plants and seeds selected specifically for the size and theme of your kit
  • A suggested garden plan
  • Growing information, tips and tricks for each plant
  • A collection of recipes and uses for your garden’s bounty