(80 days) Open-pollinated. Indeterminate. This Swiss émigré could be considered the Brandywine of continental Europe. Like Brandywine, has many strains, and is widely considered in France, Germany and Switzerland to be the best-flavored tomato. Only medium-sized yet delivers the robust flavor of the bigger types. It bested some formidable competition in my trials with a rich sweetness the others couldn’t match and still can’t. A recent taste test confirmed it’s the best pink for its size. No slouch in the appearance department either, the unblemished globes are perfectly round, the soft skins not excessively fragile and the color and size very attractive, making it another excellent field-to-market variety that does not require high tunnels. Competes favorably with the hybrids. David Nonnenmacher reports from Hawley, PA, that Rose was “the only heirloom to resist the onslaught of tomato diseases in the cold of August 2017 and then ripen beautifully in the warmth of September.” Some LB tolerance
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