Provider Bush Green Bean


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(50 days) Open-pollinated. For highest early yields—even under adverse conditions—and rich beany taste, nothing provides like Provider. Noted for its concentrated sets of round 5–5½” pods.

“There is no substitute for Provider beans,” says Chris Carlin of Hyde Park, Vt. Also excellent for canning and “my choice for freezing and dilly beans,” says Elaine Carlson of Cape Porpoise, Maine. Anne Elder of Community Farm of Ann Arbor, Mich., praises its amazing resilience: it and Royal Burgundy re-flower repeatedly after heavy pickings followed by rains. Came in one day ahead of Contender for earliest in our observation plot.

Our best-selling variety in our entire listing year after year. Released by the USDA in 1965. Purple seed. Resistant to CBMV, NY 15, PM, DM, PMV


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