Golden Jubilee



(80 days) Open-pollinated. Indeterminate. The best medium-sized open-pollinated orange tomato, Jubilee ripens smooth-textured sweet mild meaty 8 oz globes. Amy Goldman describes its flavor as “sprightly” and says it was a favorite of Ben Quisenberry of Big Tomato Gardens in Syracuse, OH, who offered it under the name Golden Sunray. Nikos discovered Jubilee at a Waldo County Extension taste test at Unity College. She brought one in and it was superb, almost on a par with Goldie both for texture and flavor. Jubilee is smaller than Goldie and less prone to blemish; pruning will produce larger fruits. This Burpee introduction, probably to mark the 50th birthday of then-president David Burpee, was a cross between Tangerine and Rutgers, and won an AAS for Burpee in 1943. Resistant to AS


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